About Yeside’s Work

I work mainly from found objects or photographs. One of my most valuable resources is my husband whose photographs can provide a starting point. Increasingly, my artwork develops a life of its own.

My first engagement with art was as a four year old. I have vivid memories of my guardians shutting me in a room with Frans Hals’s “Laughing Cavalier” as a punishment. The experience engendered a fear of art that diminished through time. I went from being obsessed with Seurat’s “The Bathers”, then works of El Greco, eventually arriving at notable springboards into artists such as Picasso, Frida Kahlo, and so much more. That notion of transition still excites me now. I love to rework ideas and offer a fresh perspective whether that is the through composition or the medium used.

Acrylics and inks are my favourite companions but others become invited by each painting. The application depends on my mood and naturally affects the diversity of the mark making and use of light.

I love to be flexible.  Hence, my mantra is a nod to David Hockney,” I paint what I like, when I like and where I like”. And I need to paint!